Verruca Treatment
A verruca is a wart that you get on the foot. They are very common and relatively harmless and can be mistaken for a corn. Sometimes verrucae can clear by themselves, however majority of the time a verruca will require some form of treatment. This is when your Podiatrist is essential – your podiatrist can provide you with multiple treatment programmes depending on the severity of the verrucae and on what they think is the best pathway for their patient.
At Podi Footcare we can provide many treatments – however by far our most effective and quickest treatment is Swift Microwave therapy. With an 85% chance of success, Swift is one of the most effective treatments for verrucae. Swift requires no ‘at-home’ intervention leaving you free to carry on with your normal everyday life.
To read more about Swift Microwave therapy click here:
Podi Footcare’s Verruca Treatment
Podi Footcare utilises the state-of-the-art Swift verruca treatment solution.
Recent studies have revealed that 76% of patients saw a complete resolution after an average of three Swift verruca treatments.
After each verruca treatment patients report a significant reduction in pain.
How the Swift Verruca Treatment Works
Swift is a modern, patented verruca treatment which is licensed to podiatrists and dermatologist all over Ireland and the UK
The unique swift treatment method uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied directly to the affected area.
Patients should expect to feel a sharp sensation during the treatment. This sensation has been compared to a needle injection. However, unlike most other verruca treatments the pain quickly subsides.
After the treatment it is not uncommon for the affected area to feel sore but this pain is normally quite mild and shouldn’t prevent the patient from taking part in normal day to day activities.
Verruca Treatment FAQ
How many treatments will I need before my Verruca is healed?
Up to 76% of patients have reported that their verruca is completely healed after three Swift Verruca treatments. Your Podi podiatrist will access your unique treatment needs and advise on the expected timeline of your treatment course. -
Does the Swift veccuca treatment hurt?
Patients often describe a sharp sensation that is comparable to a needle injection. This pain quickly subsides and only in rare cases is prolonged pain reported. -
Will I be in pain after the verruca treatment?
Patients should expect to feel mild pain following the verruca treatment. This pain won’t prevent patients from taking part in normal day to day activities.